Following reports made on Two Brutal of chassis and captive nut failure on high powered Mk1.5s I was asked to strengthen both the chassis and the torque mounts previously made for this car. (Details of the original manufacture of these mounts is here). Here is the front torque mount originally made for this car. It is held to the chassis with the original 2 M10 setscrews.
From the original two bolt fixing I decided to add four more M10 fixings to make it into a 6 bolt fixing. A plate was to be welded to the underside of the existing mount point, utilising the two existing holes and adding four more. Two of these would need recessing into the chassis so two large holes were cut to recess the new captive nuts.
And here is the plate that will be welded to the chassis with the four additional captive nuts. It is bolted up using the two existing bolt holes in the chassis.
Here is the plate with the M10 nuts welded onto the backside
And here the plate has been fully welded onto the chassis and gussets added.Here’s another view from head on.
And here’s the nearly finished mount prior to final welding and painting.